

Scaled Values

This type of responsive design hasn't found it's way into the web yet where breakpoints and static values are still preferred. Luckily, it's very easy to use and will work out of the box. All values influencing the scaling can also be configured.

All scaleable values inside a stylesheet created with createStyles are automatically linearly scaled. At a medium viewport of 420px the value will stay exactly the same. At the lower breakpoint of 320px the value will be reduced by the scaling factor which is 0.5 by default. A factor of one would cut the value in half in this case while the default of 0.5 will remove a fourth. Below the minimum the value will stay the same which fine as there aren't any devices with smaller viewports. For bigger devices the value will scale linearly in the opposite direction until the maximum breakpoint of 520px.

Illustration of responsive scaling.

The above chart illustrates how the linear scaling works and which values play a role.

This type of responsive scaling usually takes no effort and can easily be integrated into existing applications. Due to the heavy use of pixel based scaling on mobile devices there is less fragmentation when it comes to the range of target viewports. This is one of the major reasons why responsive design currently isn't very popular for mobile devices. Still, there is slight fragmentation which is very well adressed by using scaled values which make a design created on a default device look the same on any kind of device. The issue of too much whitespace on large devices as well as an overcrowded design on smaller devices is gone.

Adaptive Values (Breakpoints and Orientation)

Just like Media Queries in CSS adaptive values allow values based on the current breakpoint or orientation. The syntax is deliberately kept terse to make responsive styles quick to write. Breakpoints are written as objects with their specific breakpoint as the key. If the current breakpoint is missing the nearest one below will be used. The values will no longer scale and are the same in any viewport where the breakpoint applies.

import { createStyles } from 'responsive-react-native'

const styles = createStyles({
  view: {
    height: { small: 40, large: 80 }

In the above example screens matching the small and medium viewport will receive a width of 40 while the large breakpoint gets value 80.

Values that should match the orientation are written as arrays where the first key applies for portrait and the second for landscape.

import { createStyles } from 'responsive-react-native'

const styles = createStyles({
  view: {
    backgroundColor: ['blue', 'red']

In this example the background will be blue on portrait and red on landscape.

useResponsive React Hook

The current breakpoint as well as the orientation can be accessed during rendering to adapt the layout or content. Using this hook will automatically rerender the component any time the breakpoint or orientation changes.

import { useResponsive } from 'responsive-react-native'

export default function App() {
  const { breakpoint, setBreakpoint, orientation } = useResponsive()
  return (
    <View style={{ margin: breakpoint === 'large' ? 0 : 10 }}>
      <Text>Current breakpoint: {breakpoint}</Text>
      <Button title="Set Breakpoint to Small" onPress={() => setBreakpoint('small')} />

getValue(value: number)

Internally used to render the scaleable stylesheet values this helper function can be used to get any responsive value.

import { getValue } from 'responsive-react-native'

export const Header = () => <View style={{ height: getValue(50) }} />

linearScale(value: number, breakpoint: string)

Method used to scale values linearly according to scale configured. Useful when overriding the default value method but still needing the linearly scaled value.

import { linearScale, configure } from 'responsive-react-native'

  value: (value: number, breakpoint: string, orientation: 'portrait' | 'landscape') => {
    const scaledValue = linearScale(value, breakpoint)

    // Linear scaling only for portrait.
    if (orientation === 'portrait') {
      return scaledValue

    return value

<SelectBreakpoint /> Component to Test Breakpoints

This utility component can be placed anywhere to get a UI to quickly switch between different breakpoints.

import { SelectBreakpoint } from 'responsive-react-native'

export const Settings = () => (
    <SelectBreakpoint />
    <SelectBreakpoint color="blue" fontSize={16} />
    <SelectBreakpoint style={{ marginHorizontal: 40 }} />